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Christianity In Practice

MAINLOGOCFFFBrethren, greetings in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ, to you.
Our Christian live begins when the Gospel of Jesus Christ (1Cor.15:3-5) make sense in our live. We evidence Faith that He did all for us. Spiritually, we are removed from the body of Adam and placed in the body of Christ. Here the Holly Spirit of Christ (The Comforter) comes into and resides in us permanently. Right there we receive Justification (Rom.5:1) and Sanctification (1Cor.6:11). Two legal words that make us into New Creation (2Cor.5:17).
Yes, we are Born Again and religious “Water Baptism” has no place in Christianity. If your Christian life is based on water baptism, you are yet to be baptized. Christ answered Nicodemus question first, before giving the ultimate option. When He said “…, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, …” (John3:5).
Every human being that is in this earth is “born of water” from the mother’s worm. The next is Spiritual baptism: submerge and emerge into the body of Christ.
This happens when the Gospel of Christ is first, understood and our faith is applied onto it. Understanding the Gospel is the KEY. Apostle Paul in his epistle to the Romans said “Know you not …” (Rom.6:3-5), expressing what is the fact in Christianity. We must KNOW something before faith is evidenced.
So brethren, Christ showed us the correct way when He was submerged into water by John the Baptist to fulfill all righteousness. In short, He was saying “this is how you will be Baptized into me”. Berried with Him by baptism (Col.2:12) and raise in newness of life. (Rom.6:4).
Christianity brings us into relationship with God.
God bless you as you understand and share this good news with others in Jesus Name, Amen.